post about the events of tuesday july 12th

Jul 17, 2005 17:28

ok so i woke up around noon and sat around as usual until it was time for work
at i got dressed and i worked for all of about 19 minutes when they
said i could go home. AWESOME. so i drove to eckerd to check up on my painting
and bring it home... while i was there the painting room was open and there was
lots of crafty stuff out like some summer camp class had been in session... so
then i was looking at stuff i could take and decided that there must be some
scrap canvas somewhere up there... so i shimmied my way over the wall up there
into whoevers storage areas... and i found some paper... then i thought id see
if the photo lab was open and it was and so i snooped around there and where
they do printmaking i stole more paper and some paints...

it was awesome and i felt so stealth....
then i painted a bit, even tho it turned out crappy and basically my studio
floor is covered in water. i dont even know.
OH and before i went to eckerd i stopped at starbucks and found aaron working and so he got me a free tall mocha frappachino and i talked to him while he was on his 10 min break....

THEN i stole and painted and THEN i went to global thrift on 66th street...
and i found a t-shirt for my brother that says "Hawks fly high for FCAT" and i
got the most awesome jacket ever... its peacoat style but all fluffy like goose
feather filled winter coat type deal and its fucking bright ass orange. i love
it, but i think the lady who rang me up was making fun of me for my purchase
cause she was all " you goin huntin'??? hahahah " WHATEVER...
its just about the coolest jacket ive ever seen.

so that made my day... then i went home and had an egg salad sandwich and the
best mashed potatoes my moms ever made...
then i called julie and told her that although she saw batman already with new
friend dan, she must come see it with me, and id pay.... so she agreed to take
a nap while i showered and id call her after... no answer so i just went to her
julie got ready and we went to see batman but first we wanted beer so we
went to the gas station and bought beer and smuggled it into the theatre...
then we saw batman which was pretty fucking awesome, although i still think
michael keaton was the best batman...

then i drove the jetta back to julies and i was like "MAN i wanna ride bikes."
so we took her parents bikes out and rode around and decided that seminole was
SO lame...nowhere cool to ride to...
then i remembered that jeff was having another get-together, so we rode to his
house .....

OHMYGOD... we cut through the spc campus and we were riding like full speed and
there was what seemed to be a gap in the fence to get through so we peddle our
asses through the wet grass righ smack into a fucking wire rope that we couldnt
see on account of the darkness at 1:45am. so i ram into it first and fall down
with the bike on top of me and then a fraction of a second later julie does the
same damn thing. so i start fucking laughing my ass off cause we didnt see it
coming at all and there we are in the middle of campus all bruised and wet....
so basically we almost died...............................

then we get to jeffs and retell our adventure, reinactments and all.
we drank some mikes hard lime and smoked some cigarettes...jeff showed me his
cock, man he was wasted and then jeff and i took a bike ride around his

then FINALLy we rode bikes back to julies and i drove my car home and started to
make a sandwich at 4am and i hear my dad at the door with Tess- our black lab...
he was walking her at 4am wtf?

so that was my great day in one big fucking nutshell......... so there ya go.
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