i cant even contain myself!

Nov 12, 2004 13:23

omg omg omg!!!
things are going so well lately.
i got my first christmas present yesterday. Yeah... its a COACH bag!!!
jeff got it for me cause he knows that it was MADE for me. so unique and so classy. besides it being cool, just getting a gift (especially of this magnitude) makes me so greatful for my friends.
it also cheered me up tremendously because i thought i lost my two favorite silver bracelets that my nandy gave to me (they were my great grandmothers. i left them in the clay lab accidentally and when i realized i just about had a heartattack. i hate that feeling! i called security and they said they looked and didnt find it but i went this afternoon and There it was PLAIN AS DAY. i doubt anyone even went to look! ugh security my ass!
but i was happy that they were there, thank goodness.

omg and julies mom bought the plane tickets so its official, we are going to NYC. this is gonna be so great, cold as hell but great. ive never been there around christmas time that i can remember so this will be such an experience! i cannot wait!!!!
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