May 20, 2009 20:02
So as you all know this year is a time for change & growth, etc. Well Jesse and i are probably adding something new to our list..... My mom is buying a house and is closing on it June 30th. She already got approved for the mortgage and the home owner said yes to her offer and they signed the forms etc. etc. So That bit aside, Jesse and i have been paying over 1,000 a month with utilities and that is on a good month. With my mom moving to her new place her place at her job where she gets to live on site will be vacant. The deal she struck with us is me work at her job 1/2 day friday, saturday & monday and we get to live there rent & utility free thus saving us 1,000 a month =) It also allows us to work our jobs substituting but allows flexibility if we need to go out of town she will cover and vice-versa. Pretty awesome right? Our lease is up here August 15th. So Jesse and i are crossing our fingers and hoping that this all goes through, we would gain so much space and we would have no neighbors. (even though we like our neighbors)
So wish us luck if it goes through 1st/2nd week of July we would be moving into our new place!! =)
Another cool thing is i have 10,000 in student loans, + 300 in credit card debt & Jesse has 2,000 in credit card debt we could pay those off in no time.
& travel... =)
Almost forgot, i am getting a replacement machine for my finger stick machine to test my coumadin levels which means i would be doctor free! (at least mostly)
rent free,
new coolness...