Aug 26, 2005 21:51
Money, grr stupid money. Money must always plague my existence. Dealing with money can injure so many things and cause so much unneeded stress. I was trying to get a reimbursement and decided to preempt the aggrivation I had previously dealt with by sending an email proactively saying this is my claim number, this is the amount, it was approved, and the receipts are in the mail. The receipts were sent and signed for but by someone that does not exist in the office. Oy, how annoying! I just want to get my not even $200 from the company. If I didn't have to deal with money, I could have went and visited unmesh's family in calcutta. If I didn't have to deal with money, I'd be shipping back some of my stuff to detroit. If I didn't have to deal with money, Dave and my friends and my family could all come and visit me in India. I could stay at a 5 star hotel in India and have the queen treatment. I would have avoided so many arguments with my family, with friends, and with my ex, if I didn't have to deal with money. My parents paid for my college, and I was very very lucky, but they used that as power over me. I hated the power struggle, but I was definitely not the one with the upperhand in the situation. Tons of times i've had to deal with okay who owes who what. When trying to deal with who pays for dinner or the movie or whatever, it's always an issue. Sometimes, it feels nice to have someone treat, but sometimes you should share the bill. If money didn't matter no arguments would ever happen over the bill. No one would feel bad that they could not afford the latest outfit, car, fantasy trip. We could all afford things. I wonder if people would still have jobs without money. I probably would b/c it would get boring not doing anything. It would be fun for awhile to just go shopping and travel the world, but after you've seen everything, you'd come back and be like so what's now. I guess money is not so bad though b/c it keeps people working and drives people. Yeah I'm just kinda rambling.