
Oct 12, 2005 01:27

Ok, so I never thought that parents could be wicked cool. Anyways, last weekend I went back to Tally and I was so happy. I got to see my ex. and I got to get away from this horrid town and apartment. Things aren't any better with my roomates but it's only a matter of time till we get to move. So back to my weekend. I spent my days with my ex., we watched some movies and pretty much just hung out. I went to Pizza Hut to catch up with the old crew and found out that one of my old managers works there now. I found myself kicking into manager mode as soon as I walked in....ahh....the good old days. Anyways, so after 3 days I finally had to return to Orlando but with me I brought Dustin, who had a tour for some school down here. We met up with Josh and we ended up going over to his hotel and swimming in this wicked cool pool. I have to say I really like his family. They are awesome. So after a few hours of sliding and waiting for a wave pool that never came we hopped over to Wide wWorld of Sports to do some NFL experience stuff, which ended up being closed.....UG! So then we drove on over to Old Town where me and Josh almost leaped to our deaths on one of those Sky Coaster thingies. Sadly, money wasn't in the cards. So we wlaked around a bit and I entertained everyone by being scared of the hanuted house guys outside. They were scary! Anyways, we went over to Shoney's where I impressed everyone with my Disney discounts. So then we were going to go home but decided on going to Dowtown Disney instead, oh yeah, I called out of work 2 days in a row too, bad me, so after that we went back to my apt. got Dustin's stuff and went back to their hotel. We had a slumber party! Wooo! We built forts.....oh yeah.....forts.....then we ended up sleeping on a small pull out bed. Me, Dustin and Josh.....it was very interesting. We took some picture so hopely I can get them up on the site soon. So next day we went to their tour and then we left them. It was a really good weekend and then sadly I sent my ex home on a bus. Now I'm alone.....and tired so, nighty night!
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