oh well

Sep 29, 2010 15:28

I didn't get cast as anything in The Yeoman of the Guard. Why do they bother calling me back at all??? I am so obviously not the type of soprano they are interested in for their leads. They string me along like this every show and either give me a mezzo role or nothing at all.

It already feels uncomfortable enough at the callback knowing that I am so different from the other girls they are calling back. If there are 4 girls with sweet, chirpy, fragile voices, and then me, it makes me feel like they are not actually interested in me for the show and just want to see what I can do because I sing so much better than the other girls.

This is the 2nd time where I've gone to a callback for a soprano role for them and felt like the best singer in the room, but with the wrong type of soprano voice. At that point, it doesn't even matter how well I sing anymore.

My Pocket Opera audition didn't seem to go well either. I felt like I sang really well, but the director seemed to think I'm just too young for their company.

Why do I keep on getting such conflicting advice from people? Teachers keep on telling me that I'm ready to be out in the world singing professionally and then the directors and stuff aren't casting me and it makes me feel like poo and like there is something I'm missing and no one is willing to tell me what it is.

I didn't even freaking get chorus because my voice is too big. I know that is part of the reason that I am not cast as the soprano lead in Lamps things. If my voice is too big for the rest of the cast to sing duets with, I am not a wise choice for casting. It sucks right now, but hopefully it means I'm meant for bigger and better things in the future.

I'm sitting in class trying not to cry because I'm so disappointed. If anyone makes me talk about it I may actually cry and feel crappy because of that too. I hate crying in front of people.

Blah blah blah blah blah blah
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