May 02, 2005 11:16
ARE you stupide, you must be. Eric I got this new livejournal to get away from you. I never want to here from you again. I never want to read my live journal ever again. GET OVER ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate you. You are a freak. I should have called the police on you. If you ever try to contact me again, i will. You were apart of my past that I will erase and remember as bad dream at most. You make me sick. I throw up at the idea that i ever did anything with you at all. You fat ugly ass. Becasue of you i can never date anyone who is over weight. You are pitiful scum. I did not read you live journal comments and neither will anyone else. I have stopped reading them a long time ago. I will probably deleat this account so you can never even read about my life. But for now this will be live journal friends only. Everyone else knows how to contact me. I love you all except ERIC I hate you, you disgusting piece of fat. I am way to good for you and you always new it. I didn't take you to dances or anything because i was ashamed of you.