
May 25, 2009 11:32

I'm really not into this dating new people thing.  I really don't want to retrain another one to make him understand everything I say.  I rarely make sense unless you know how to speak my language.  Andrew finally gets it.  grrr.  I have met one nice boy, "Dr. Andy". And I've met several losers and douchebags.  One in particular stands out from the crowd.  His name is also Andrew. (This name is my favorite... BEFORE my Andrew, even!) weird.  Anyway, this guy wouldn't leave me alone.  So this is what transpired Saturday night:

andrew00776: hey whats up
 andrew00776: so why is everything craftiness?
kisforcrafty: because... I want to?
kisforcrafty: Who are you?
 andrew00776: wow easy tiger
 andrew00776: I met you on the match thing said to look you up on Aim so I did
kisforcrafty: You could start by saying that, first.
 andrew00776: oh sorry. I didn't mean to get you all startled
kisforcrafty: is this the same username you have on match?
 andrew00776: no
 andrew00776: would you like it
kisforcrafty: I would like to know who I'm talking to, so yes, please.
 andrew00776: so you can check me out.
kisforcrafty: Obviously. :)
 andrew00776: phb76
 andrew00776: wow you are a bit abrasive arent you
 andrew00776: hey look just here to meet people not make enemies
kisforcrafty: I'm sorry. I certainly didn't mean to come across as such.
 andrew00776: no worries
 andrew00776: since your a cutie I'll let it slide lol
kisforcrafty: heh
 andrew00776: Anyhow I'm Andrew, you didn't seem interested when we talked but I thought I'd  check you out see whats up
kisforcrafty: Oh, right.. In my defense I was working on a project for my students and the match im thing is horrendously irritating.
 andrew00776: yes agree.
 andrew00776: worthless to be frank
 andrew00776: but you where very interesting via your profile so that made me a bit persistantlol however I dont play the guitar
kisforcrafty: piano?
 andrew00776: how about violin
kisforcrafty: hmmmm
 andrew00776: wow your tough
kisforcrafty: can you rock out Billy Joel on the violin? :)
 andrew00776: Billy Joel.Damn girl your dont want the impossible do you
kisforcrafty: Well... he IS my favorite.
 andrew00776: well I do like him as well but something about a fiddle and Joel just dont jive lol
kisforcrafty: Do you speak French?
 andrew00776: only one semester ,, I speak German and Gealic
kisforcrafty: Do you know what Breton is?
 andrew00776: its one form of gealic there are 3
kisforcrafty: Quiz - where is it spoken?
 andrew00776: northern scotland, middle ages of england and in France early day Gaul
 andrew00776: don't mess with me girl I am from Ireland
 andrew00776: Not an american pure Irish I'm sure Iknow my European History better then you
kisforcrafty: It is currently spoken in Breizh - Brittany - in France in the westernmost province called Finistere.
kisforcrafty: I know my European history just fine, thank you.
 andrew00776: Freagair na ceisteanna seo
 andrew00776: Did you minor in european history?
kisforcrafty: Did you read what I do for a living?
 andrew00776: If I remember correctly I read you where a french teacher
kisforcrafty: That means that, I have to know about Europe.
 andrew00776: Really no need to get hostile, I'm sure your a very intelligent person or I wouldn't have wanted to talk to you
 andrew00776: although im's can be a bit misunderstood and taken in a total different meaning
kisforcrafty: Ok, but when you insult my intelligence by basically saying that I know nothing about what I'm supposed to know about, it really doesn't make me want to continue getting to know you.
 andrew00776: Thats not what I mean at all.
 andrew00776: I was not trying for an insult at all. I thought you where by saying how many gealic versions are there
kisforcrafty: I lived in Brittany for a year. Breton is very near to my heart.
 andrew00776: Its a nice country
 andrew00776: not many folks called it Breton these days
 andrew00776: must have had alot of elder friends there
 andrew00776: anyhow sorry if you felt I insulted you. Its  hard to read people online ya know
kisforcrafty: yes,
 andrew00776: yes?
kisforcrafty: I was in agreement.
 andrew00776: so no plans for the big weekend
kisforcrafty: I'm at my parents' house.
kisforcrafty: away from my own. there's no one here this weekend.
kisforcrafty: my roommate is building something obnoxious again at my own.
 andrew00776: what do you mean obnoxious
kisforcrafty: lots of construction debris, drywall dust, no useable bathroom for three days, etc.
 andrew00776: oh I see, yeah best to be away.
kisforcrafty: It happened before. It took serveral months until itwas back to normal
 andrew00776: sounds like he's an amature if it takes several months enless its a indepth project
kisforcrafty: No. He's a perfectionist.
kisforcrafty: He's VERY good.
kisforcrafty: He remodeled our entire house in five months.
 andrew00776: well depends on the sq ft of a house and precision detail od the cratmanship I understand
kisforcrafty: While attending classes at Cornell, I should add
 andrew00776: good for him
kisforcrafty: He's rad.
 andrew00776: is he in the carpentry program there
 andrew00776: he's rad??
kisforcrafty: No, math PhdD and computer science MS and rad is something I say daily.
kisforcrafty: I also say word when I agree with something rad.
 andrew00776: sounds like you speak very highly of your roommate.
kisforcrafty: I do. He's my best friend.
 andrew00776: ah.. then why you on match
kisforcrafty: Because he's gay?
 andrew00776: sucks for you
 andrew00776: gays tend to do good job interior wise.
 andrew00776: I have an Uncle that is an interior designer,, very very good, but his bf hits on me alot so he doest come around alot lol
kisforcrafty: heh
 andrew00776: not funny
 andrew00776: he even pinches my butt
kisforcrafty: hmm
kisforcrafty: accept it as a compliment.
 andrew00776: i do but makes my uncle very jealous
 andrew00776: and me very uncomfortable
 andrew00776: anhyhow... what are you doing tonight
kisforcrafty: i was scrapbooking when the noise from here went off and i got distracted away from my craftiness.
 andrew00776: oh sorry
 andrew00776: well have a good night
kisforcrafty: ok. you too!
 andrew00776: should have said I was bothering you
kisforcrafty: meh.
kisforcrafty: not really bothering, per se...
 andrew00776: not really coming across as being interested in talking either
kisforcrafty: I don't really think "we" would be compatible in a relationship.
kisforcrafty: Even though andrew is the most fabulous name on the planet...
 andrew00776: really you gather that in an online chat....amazing
 andrew00776: I am FAB thats for shiz
kisforcrafty: You don't meet two out my three major requirements.
 andrew00776: really what is that
 andrew00776: french and guitar lol
kisforcrafty: You don't speak French and you have poor grammar and spelling skillz.
 andrew00776: what..............
kisforcrafty: yes.
 andrew00776: amazing that a lad could have a masters and not good grammar or spelling
kisforcrafty: word.
 andrew00776: and you have a.........BOS
 andrew00776: your a arrogant asshole like 99% of all americans get a grip on life bitch
kisforcrafty: THIS is why we would not be compatible.
 andrew00776: Messages will be delivered when the buddy goes online.

So this is what I get. I guess. If I want an intelligent person who can accurately use the English language, I don' t know where I should go. I have very specific needs and wants, and I want them to be fulfilled.  I guess what I"m looking for is a more romantic version of what I already have. (or sort of don't have...) My Andrew + some more romantic ideas. hahahhaha. wight.  we'll see. heh. 
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