(no subject)

Mar 30, 2008 21:30

I went to the chiropractor yesterday for the first time in my life... and no, I did not put my back out doing some sort of outrageous thing.
I had had a posture screening at our wellness day at school and was recommended to make an appointment for further evaluation. I was promised that the visit would be entirely free of charge just so I could see how I was doing.
I was bombarded at first with questions about my medication habits, which are erratic. I forget to take pills, so I am never really "on meds". I told him that the only meds I was really prescribed are for my allergies. Then he asked if I would rather prevent a forest fire, or put one out. Taking the seemingly easy answer, I said "prevent them" to which he responded, "then why be in the meds at all? That's not prevention". Then we did a series of neat "state-of-the-art" scans of my spine which involved taking the temperature along my spinal column, checking the muscle tone around my spine, and checking my range of motion.

The scan that I found to be most interesting was the temperature scan. I had a few "hot spots" - C1, C6, C7, and L5 vertebrae. The "C" spots are connected to my nose, throat, ears, and sinuses, the "L" spot is connected to my bladder and reproductive organs.
I have wicked allergies and my period right now. That scan showed where I was having issues, and hopefully this doctor can tell me how to fix it. Better without drugs, I say... especially since I always forget them!
I have to have an x-ray sometime this week before my next appointment to show the position of the spine and make sure that it is in its proper positioning in my body. Then we go from there.
My script for the x-ray says that my syptoms are "immune system/allergies" and the diagnosis is "subluxation complex". Subluxation was a neat-o word I learned.
I can't wait to see how I can be fixed. I think it will be cool... I never knew that chiropractors did alternative treatments like this. I thought they just straightened you would when you got all bent out of shape.
Cool. I'll let you know about how this is going after I see him a few times... and insurance will generally cover up to 80%! Wooo!
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