(no subject)

Jul 08, 2007 22:46

Alright kids... Here's an update on ma vie right now.
I am now 25 years old. I have never been happier about a birthday and this one was by far the BEST one I've had.  Kristen and Sarah came out to play with me and Andrew. First we went to Cicero to Big Don's Wild River to play mini-golf and do this really big maze thing.  I don't know how many 25 year olds have a mini-golfing birthday party, but more people should do it!  The three of us girls totally beat Andrew at the maze.  hehe. We were even trying to help him get out from the lookout place... he still didn't get out for 14 minutes. silly friend!
Then we went to Ithaca to my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE RESTAURANT ON EARTH (well, except for just about any restaurant in France...)  Just a Taste in Ithaca on the Commons is a fantastic place to go if you are looking for something interesting and tasty to eat.  I only get to go there once a year, on my birthday, because Andrew hates it.  He's really quite picky if you think about it.  THis year he got out of it because I had two good buddies there. We tried about four things on the menu including QUAIL!  So tasty!
After dinner we decided to check out what was open on the Commons.  Autumn Leaves happened to be the only store open after our dinnerings adventures but it proved to be the best place for us - especially bookworms like BF! I dragged the girls downstairs to the used record section and naturally went straight for the Billy Joel section.  What do I find halfway through the stack?  COLD SPRING HARBOR! NO kidding. I seriously did a dance.  Then I remembered that I didn't have my wallet and almost cried.  Sarah, however stepped in and said "It's your birthday!" So she got me Cold Spring Harbor and The Nylon Curtain.  The guy at the register was like "I was wondering when someone was going to snatch this up. (meaning C.S.H) We don't get it in that often and when we do, it goes so quickly.  You've just made someone else very sad" Then I told him it was destiny because it was my birthday.   As for our collection, we are now only missing Turnstiles and a possibly difficult to find Storm Front and the non-existent on vinyl River of Dreams.  Today I put all of them in Chronological order just to satisfy my need to know EGGSactly what we had. (no doubles, yay!)
Oh yes, after the whole "I'm so exciting I could pee my pants in the middle of Ithaca" thing, we came back to my house and ate the birthday cake Andrew had baked and decorated for me (without me having to explicitly tell him to do so!) Surprisingly, that's still around! He hasn't eaten it all yet! ha.

Ok... moving on to Saturday - Sarah and I went on a wine tour around Keuka Lake.  It was a goodbye Sarah party.  She's leaving for Germany in like, two days... We went to four wineries and only had to pay at one of them! (and it happened to be my least favorite one...) At two of them we tasted at least 10 wines.  It was so rad.  I loved it.  We ate at the restaurant on the lake and we were literaly... on the lake.  Like on a dock thingy and it kept moving.  People were driving their boats up and docking them, just like one would at a parking.  Neat-o!

Today we rode our bikes again despite the threat of a rainstorm which interestingly hasn't arrived yet.  I'm going to like this, I think.

I'm glad my classes this semester are Tuesdays and Thursdays and not Mondays.  I hate Mondays.
OH! Yes! That brings me to my last thought... Wednesday August First in Montreal - 83 / Taktika concert.  You know you want to go! ;)

friends, birthday, cake, bf, sarah

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