Aug 06, 2005 13:44
now, i know you read the title and think Pat Knight from G.C.C. but this is the other one...u know the t.v. knightrider(with the cool music). So i am driving home from my errands after work yesterday(can't tarantino this one) and look into my rear window mirror and what do i see?....That is right the Kinghtrider car behind me. It was an exact replica of the original. the funny thing about it was they had this piece that wasn't attached right on the front and it was flappin in the wind, and it kept flappin over the headlights so it looked like KIT(the car intelligence) was talking! It was hilarious! i was laughing to myself in the car and just singing the theme song! GOOD TIMES!
so lately, everytime we go out to eat we see someone that we know! Mind you it's only been 2 days in a row but i am sure it will happen more. Thursday we go to have a nice dinner at the O.G.(jerm, ben, and I) and who do we get seated next to but John Cruthcfield and fiancee...then franchise is waiting tables. Then we got to Applebees for some eats and Tony is waiting tables(this kid only works during the day) so it was way weird to see him working! i swear if it happens again today, i might just piss my pants---well not really cause that would be sick and wrong!
well i gotta go and do some stuff so peace silly bitches!
thought for the day: if you drink by yourself are you an alcoholic?