I'm trying to keep this thing updated! I'm trying!

Apr 16, 2006 06:07

I kinda miss having a livejournal, but I really don't have anything to be writing about.

No "im gonna talk about my boyfriend" rants because that requires a bf

No "life sux I'm emo" rants cuz I'm not emo (atm lmao)

Just boring stuff.

I could say the obvious and go "school is teh suck" but nobody likes school, heh. But Stony Brook is super uber gay sometimes. I don't have a room for next semester (if I end up going back next semester) because my awesome RAs decided not to let us know about room selections coming up (aside from puting up a flyer somewhere. It would be nice to have a meeting or something, like your supposed to, or have an announcement about it on SOLAR). So my entire suite is now scattered. Which sux ass because we had the best suite on campus. I'm not exaggerating.


But hopefully we'll be getting a house in July (we = me, jen, snaps, rich, rita(?), and maybe one more person) in Stony Brook or East Setauket. Should be tons of fun =).

Im starting to feel like I'm supposed to be engaged by now. Anyone else?

I've decided that I'm gonna be single for a while. I feel like the guy I was supposed to marry is dead/doesn't exist. But ya know what? I think I'm finally ok with that. It took me up until recently to accept it, but I did. Ahhh... c'est la vie, right?

I need to go back to PP. I'd marry ortho-tricyclin lo if I could *le sigh*
I need to see my prof about passing Microbio.
I need to see the head doc on campus. I've made 2 appts that I both missed. I need to go.
I need to go out. Real bad.
I need to go to myspace rehab.

I think thats it for now. Oh wait...

I need to get my sleep schedule back on track. Being awake for 4 hours a day isn't cutting it.

Ok now thats all. Bye loves.
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