Apr 10, 2006 19:36
8 people. 4 male 4 female
Mike G
First set:
what would you do if you woke up and 1 was licking your armpit?:
I would ask myself why is she doing this and remove her from my body.. xD
what if you saw 2 in a gorilla suit throwing bananas at 8?:
Omg, I'll start laughing and then get my butt whooped lololzs.
what would you do if you woke up naked next to 5 in the ghettos of montana?:
We would runaway like a mouse getting chased by a cat. Therefore no one harms my Lola ^^
what if you found out that 4 was a clown stripper in utah?:
Lmao the only question is why would he be a clown O.o
what if you saw 1 and 7 being chased by an Eskimo?:
Omg nooo I would like take out my supar freezer gun and freeze the crap out of those eskimos xD
what if you saw 3 skinny dipping with Richard Simmons?:
Its something that he might do lolololzs. Just not with Richard Simmons cuz then i would really wonder what the heck would be going on...
you see 5 & 6 running out of a store with 20 boxes of tampons and tequila?:
Omg I would so join them and it will be party all night long.... >.> wait that sounds wrong.....
what if you saw 2 car surfing with nothing but sunglasses on?:
Daughter what have I told you? Don't use the cheap kind of sunglasses xD
what if you saw 7 trying to lick their own ear?:
Is he trying to prove a point o.O
set 2:
what if 4 was the love child of marilyn manson and kevin federline?:
Poor him. He would need all the luck he can have :D
what if 1 and 3 was in a cult that worshiped the crust between 8's toes?:
>_0 I don't like toes.... But who said that actually wouldn't happen xD
what if you saw 6 in your rear view mirror covered with shaving cream?:
I would prefer her in whipped cream so that she can be dessert ^^
what if 5 and 2 started sing "My girl lollipop"?:
0.0 what is the meaning of that ladies?
what if 7 and 1 came to your house with a blow up doll and a pogo stick?:
I would so be the first one to use the pogo stick and 7 could keep the blow up doll =D
what if 8 got drunk and tried to swim on a pb&j sandwich?:
Well if the sandwich doesn't help him I shall eat it
what if 2 turned out to be the Father of 7's baby?:
Shouldn't it be the other way around, and different people too?
set 3:
what if 2 decided to be a butt reader?:
Who knows how to read butts....? >.<
what if 6 gave you a full body massage with their tongue?:
xDDD haha Bert be jealous lol
what if you and 5 wrestled in a big vat of vienna sausages?:
We wouldn't wrestle we would feast on teh sausages!
what if 3 whipped you with a stud belt and meowed?:
Oh hell nah! Pfftt the belt would be torn into piece before it would even hit me. And as for the meowing as far as I know I'm the Kitty here :D
what if you and 1 decided to go to Lichenstein?:
Where that I'll go with her if so
What if you saw 2 with slim jims in thier ears screaming, "I CAN FLY"?:
I'll tackle her and make sure she gets home safe
What if 3 asked you to lick the chocolate off thier ass?:
>_0 yuck. I don't think so
what if you saw 5 came out with a frilly pink tutu singing "MICKEY"?:
She would look so cute and so not her, Is she taking ballet?
what if 4 told you, you looked like the lint in thier belly button?:
Whoopa :;slap:: lol
What if 7 gave you a hickey that looked like David Hasselholf?
I wouldn't even let him give me a hickey...
what if 6 ate a bunch of tacos and had an orgasm?:
Wonder what are in those tacos....
What if you found 8 in your closet sniffing your shoes?:
I would terrified on the fact that he is in my house, and then he would stab me ;.;