May 04, 2006 01:17
Since my acceptance into guelph, i've been thinking and wondering what to do. stay, wait for kathy to finish in May, and work and then apply to guelph for the nxt yr. or go to guelph in sept, and leave kathy in barrie.
I wanna do the first option but if I move out i'm afraid my 'rents wont help pay for my education the nxt year.
But going for the later option, I will be away from Kathy and.. I knwo how much that is killing me so much right now.
I don't knwo what to do.. =((
what ive researched
physician = $90,000-200,000
kennel = $10,000-35,000
elementary school teach = $30,000-70,000 (av. 42,000)
cosmetology = 18,000-30,000 (av. 26000)
receptionist = 15,000-23,000
forensic pathologist = 123,000-200,000
Forensic Path.
Ele. Schol Teach