Apr 13, 2004 05:00
When I used to play alot of video games, one of the codes for a game was "It's a good day to die". That always made me giggle. I really don't know why, it just is kind of a funny way to look at life.
Anywho, that really had nothing to do with anything I just kind of remembered it. So life is good... er better. I have finally let go of things that I held on to for way too long. I have realized that certain people are in my life for a reason, I just want to say that I have the greatest group of people that care for me in the world. (even the backups). I have also realized that I need more easy chicks for friends. Or a fuck buddy, that would be cool. So, if you or someone you know wants meaningless sex every once in awile. I am taking applications or just show up and be like "Do me"(dramatic pause)"Now". Ahh goodtimes. Well that is all, if you want in just leave a comment.
I will now leave you with something a friend of mine wrote that really sums up my outlook on life.
"I am; young, naive. I truly believe ignorance is bliss. I support causes, I often contradict myself. I'm indecisive but I know what I want. I am melodramatic, I am constantly in love. I find bliss in small things. I enjoy being with friends. I am not; unique, special, intelligent, kind, talented, beautiful or someone people would really want to be with. I do not fall under categories, and I do not support labeling, I do not like nor applicate most things people perceive me to be. I am not brave, I look up to people who do things that I never could. I love."