Update Need a Beta soon

Jul 18, 2009 04:24

So i am on a roll for my first tale of Mirandy and all im going to need soon is a beta. I am a terrible speller and 100% crap at grammar stuff

So anyone up for a challenger for helping me with my spelling and grammar is very appreciated for the help. So the storie is this;

Its called My fathers Girlfriend and i say the title says it all. Miranda is dating andy father and are staying together in his house for the summer with the twins. Of course Andrea is shocked, but Miranda isnt. It has humor, drama, Romance, big Smutt. Not sure ho long it will be, but im at where they meet again after 3 years, now to get them 2 together and i found the perfect way ;)
So any Beta wanna help me is welcome :)

Also wrote some ideas for future Mirandy stories. Cant wait to get started on a few of these, but one at a time really :)


mirandy beta

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