Apr 13, 2008 18:30
Right, what did I do with my weekend then.
Well, after two months of not drinking I decided to take a break and headed up to London for a few drinks at the Intrepid Fox before going off to Sedition. Hence the drinking again. I'm pretty strong willed with the whole not-drinking thing but adding clubbing to the mix would be a bit of a challenge so decided not to bother. Despite it being too quiet at the club, the night was very entertaining with lots of dancing to various fav tracks, beer, random conversation with strangers, more beer, more random conversation with friends, and all the usual things that contribute to a good night out. Staggered around London until the tubes started running then came home for some sleep!
Saturday was mainly spent gaming, thinking about some fiction I should write (no footwear to be thrown at this point, yes you, you know who I'm talking at), and Doctor Who. Which I enjoyed. It was a bit fluffy (yeah, destruction of a town isn't usually described as fluffy but you know what I mean!).
Today went off to London to catch up with family as my sis was running the marathon. She did a good time which meant we were at least heading home when the heavens opened and the rains descended. Back home to sort out the usual stuff for another week of work.