Dec 07, 2003 01:14
Name?: whitney
Age?: 16
Location?: caseys house
Sex?: female
Siblings?: 1 brother
Height?: 5 4
Hair color?: now? like brown black orange and blonde maybe some pink
Eye color?: brown
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: yessir
Whats his/her name?: jesse
Whats one word you could think of to describe them?: incredible =)
Whats the best thing theyve ever done for you?: haha i dunno
If you dont have a bf/gf, do you want one?:
Fav movie?: eh, too many. prolly ferris buellers day off
Fav person you know?: jesseeeee
Fav food and drink?: eh coke
Fav shirt you own?: i dunnp
Fav place youve been to?: neeeew york ciiity
Fav colors?: pink and black
Fav place to be?: eh anywhere really
Fav store?: I dont have one
Fav tv show?: cosby show and queer eye for the straight guy
Fav song?: right now prolly nose over tail
Pepsi or coke?: coke
Chocolate or vanilla?: chocolate
Internet or phone?: either
McDonalds or Burger King?: mc ds
Eminem or 50 cent?: 50
Make up or no make up?: make up
Cat or dog?: both
Spanish or French?: neither
Lights on or lights off?: lights off
Hungry or full?: inbetween
Chocolate milk or hot chocolate?: chocolate milk but hot chocolate if its cold
---are y0u---
Suicidal?: No
Stubborn?: yes
Open-minded?: eh
Arrogant?: eh
Patient?: not really
Hyper?: sometimes
Nice?: usually
Happy?: yes
Depressed?: noppers
---wh0 d0 y0u want t0---
Fuck?: jesse
Kiss?: jesse
Hurt?: haha
Beat the shit out of?: hahaahhahha
Kill?: no one really
Hug?: jesse
---with the 0pp0site sex---
Favorite eye color on the opposite sex?: Blue
Hair color?: dont matter none
Curly or straight?: straight
Tall or short?: tall
Red hair, blonde hair, brunette or other?: didnt i just fucking answer that
Pale tan or in the middle?: eh i dont really like tan guys
---w0uld y0u---
Shave your head for $1000?: prolly
Cheat on your bf/gf?: no
Eat a bug?: maybe if u payed me
Be on fear factor?: naw
Kill yourself?: no
Cut yourself if you were depressed?:
Turn goth?: no?
Dress up as the opposite sex and go out in public as a dare?: it wouldnt even have to be a dare
---have y0u ever---
Gone skinny dipping?: only topless
Had sex?: yessah
Seen the same movie more than 5 times?: yeah
---y0ur friends---
Who do you rely on most and could trust with anything?: prolly jesse and casey. jamie and prolly viktorya
Whos ur best friend of the same sex?: no one. b.f.a.t
Why?: because best friends suck
Whos your best friend of the opposite sex?: dunno
Why?: cause