Nov 06, 2008 10:54
The election is finally over and I can go back to not giving a damn about politics.
I did some research, I actually knew a little bit about what was going on with the election. Enough to know who I wanted to vote for, and who I did not want to vote for. I also understand that there will not be instant change the second Obama takes office. Anyone who thinks that, frankly, is an idiot. I do not solely blame President Bush for the country's problems, but you can't say that he didn't have a part in it. To be completely honest, how he got elected for a second term is beyond me.
I like Obama not because I believe he will magically 'fix' our country. I like Obama because he stands for hope and progress. He is looking forward to the future and what we can do to improve our country and our government. To me, Obama stands for hope. He is not a Christ-like savior, nor the anti-Christ. He is only a man. But he is a strong, intelligent man who (who? whom? I never know) is willing to do everything in his power to lead our country. We are never going to go back to "the way things were". People need to accept that. Change is the driving force in life.
What I don't like is the way this election has divided us so decidedly. It's absurd that people who voted for McCain are claiming that we are going to become a socialist or communist nation. Or that Obama is a terrorist or a Muslim, which by the way, are not one in the same. It makes me really sad that we've gotten to a point where a man who is not 100% caucasian can run for (and be elected) President, but there is still a good percentage of the country who are not only completely uncomfortable with this, but actually angry about it.
I may not understand very much about politics, but at least I have respect for differences of opinion. Much as I may want to smack the shit out of some crazy Republicans, I refrain. Because I wouldn't want to be treated that way.
That being said, if you argue with me on my own blog, I will delete you.
On a completely different note, I'm sick and barely functioning, but somehow still at school. Less than 2 months left and I'm done. Grad school? No thank you. Maybe someday, but right now what I really need is to stop pretending I give a damn about literary criticism, literature during the depression and psychology of human performance. My other two classes are okay. Except that they're horridly boring.
Rereading this, I've noticed that at least twice here I mention things I don't give a crap about. So for the record, here are some things I do give a crap about: Rachel finding an awesome grown-up job, my friends in general, seeing my family on Thanksgiving, baking, video games (specifically Saints Row 2), photography, my dog Punky, balancing school and work so that I can pass the semester and pay the rent, and of course, any and all Camaros.
That is all.