Dec 27, 2002 17:47

By: Splarx

The Halfelife Sorty of Life Part II of Chapter 1

Shazbitch! Screamed the administartor at the top of hoary lungs. Eat out my BOO screamed the Halflife man. the MAN. and the opforce DUDE bit the QUAKE Guys NADS and shuvoed them up his faceazor. Then the suit man graped the Halflife man's body, and shuvoed them in his mouthzor. Thne the Dude, THE DUDE FROM QUAKE 1 said "Wat the fuckz0r?" and then the G Manz0r screamed again, and everyone cried and said "Wat the fuck?"

Chapter 2

Then the fat dood who worked with the skinny Guy, The GUY, went up to Gordon and pocked him with his pistool. But GOrden had a shootgun and shoot him. And STOLe his pistool. Then Gord0n had a pistool and A SHOOTGUN. The GMAN grabed the nadzors of the Man that was in the purple suit and, PURPLE SOOT and said, WHAT THE FUCK!!! But then his shootgun fell on the floor and Gordon picked it up and had duel shootguns, like in the moviez. Then he jumped off a cliff with both shootungs nad hurt himself.

Chapter 2 partB

So then Gordon said to the man in sUitzor, YO GIVE ME BAK MY SHOOTUNG OR ELSE I SHOOTUGN YOU IN THE FACE! So theN WALter Bennet the Guy in the White Siut, THE WHITE SUIT, said WHO ATE ALL THE DONUTS, then for no reasonzor he gibbed into a million +1 pieces and Went splat on the fllorzor. So then Gordon took off his suit and ate the donuts that the Gman had on him. Then the GMAn said YOU ATE MY DONUTS, and then they all died and went to hellzor where the eveel Weaseal ruled them for eternity.

Chapter 3

But they were so evil in truthz0r that Weaseal said WAHT tTHE FUCKZOR and kicked them out of Hell and Gordon went gback to earth and the gman went to heavan and became GODS SECRETARY OF STATE, OF STATE!!!!!! Then the QUAKE WON DOOD went to the store with his crappy poligonalz0red body and bot a box of C0rnz0r Flak3s. Then he went home and ate them then watched the TV, THE TVZ0R!~~~ Then GORdOn came over in his suit and so did Vis0r and somerandom jo bums who fell out of the sky into his apartm2nt and died.

Chapter 4

I WILl foocking 0Wnxor U in the FLOOding Feces MooFOO, yelled the man in the purple suit who had his nads bitten off by the rabid GMAn who was now the secretary of state for the alightyzor god who ownzored the entire world including the guy in the purple suit, THE PURPLE SUIT. But he didnt Conterolzor CHEL C the demon bitch from the underWOlrd. SHE came up and wenever people wuold go "YO BITCHAZOR, HGET The AFCIKC off My goffamn streetz0r!" and she would respon by going WAHFHDSAHHDFHSHDFHSHFHDSHf, her evil mating call of deaTH, OF DEATH FOR GODSAKES. and let me make it totally clearz0r for you that shee was the fatestz0r bitcho ho in the whole WORLDZOR. AND she wore a teeshirt that said, I Will OWNZor U, Then Eat yOU for BREAkdast MOTha FucKA!

Chapter 5

For no real reson or rime the people in suits came to beastup CHEL C, the D3m0n BEEATCH from H3ll]. So the man in the orange suit said, YO eat this MUTHATFAUKE and he put his shootgun in her mouth and she ate it like he said to, but then the DUUDE in the QUAKe suit said, DIS is Bullshitz0r and he punched her, but he otg stuckz0r and she ate him, and the DUDE, THE DUDE ON THE SUIT IN BL:UEand then the pistool shot her, but she went RA, but it didnt matter cause GOD, THE ONE AND ONLY shooted her with a magical weightz0r loss beamn and she b3 came normal and skinny and founded the worldwide place for people who want to kill fat people, and everyone hat3d the Demon BTICH but that was just the way things went in this Loooky part of town, THE ENDz0R,

LOOkz0r for the other books that the man who typed this, TYPED THIS TYPERD AS W3LL::

SHAZBITCH!: Tribes vs. Kingpin


CHEL C: R3v3l4ti0ns of a F4T BITCH

CHASBONER: The Story of HIS life, not mine
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