Nov 12, 2004 22:21
Soccer has been excellent, minus a slight pulled groin, I have no complaints.
The groin is a tough muscle to injure . It hurts a lot but u cant go around saying "Oh holy shit! May God have mercy on my groin" i already tried that one and god-folk (people who like god bunches and go to his house every sunday) apparently thought that god had better stuff to do then worry about my groin. Thats bull crap if ya ask me. cause all them movie stars and such are always thanking god for their awards and stuff and id like to believe that if there is a god he/she/it has something better to do then go around givin rich people trophies, if not he/she/it should definitely look into getting a hobby, like golf or cooking, I bet u god would make a mean grilled cheese....mmmmm cheese. but that would suck if u got to a golf course and they were like "ya u will be playing today against.....lets see here.....looks like u'll be playing God" Honestly what would u do cause u cant win, cause its fucking god, and when u lose u cant swear cause its fucking god. how do u make small talk w/ god...
"So....sins.......they're whack yo!" I wonder how he/she/it would respond
"Werd to that" I bet u god (if he/she/it exists) is definitely a thug
he/she/it probably has loads of bling bling, but i bet u he/she/it has a cooler name for it like "Holy Bling" or "Blang Blang"
Does it say in the Bible what god smells like?? What would u do if ur playing golf w/ god and he/she/it totally rips ass... i mean u cant blame god, but u cant take the blame cause thats lying and he/she/it doesnt like liars....
...hmmmmm, i suppose this is just one of life's mysteries.
Ok thats enough deep thinking for now, I would just like to point out that i started the entry talking about my groin and i ended talking about God's farts....
...and they say I dont have ADD,
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