Dec 10, 2004 10:30
Now for a Roger-style rant against the stupidity of mankind. Specifically, the common inability to understand phonetic language. While I dont expect them to know the proper words for each letter, they surely can understand them when I say them when I am reading back a postcode to them.
Just now I had a customer on who wanted to get a free battery (a promotion we have at present). For this, we need their addresses (even this is confusing to some people, I fear they think we were going to text it to them...) Having a nice system as we do, we only need the postcode and house number to get the full address. However, if we cant get the right postcide, it really messes things up. Having taken the postcode from thsi customer, I checked it, and it came back with no response. So I read it back to them to confirm, 'So that was G for golf....' etc and he said yes, the whole way through. Confirmed the details again, asked him to say the postcode to me again just in case, still no idea. So I fudged my way past that section, and just took the whole address.
Having completed the call, I checked online with a nifty wee postcode checker. Having the road name and town, I got it quite easily.
So that would be T, for Tolf would it then?