don't come round here and tell me i told you so...

Jan 17, 2005 12:31

Yeah I decided that I hated quizzes a while ago... until I saw that I was depressed

You scored as Unipolar Depression. Congraulations! You are depressed! You know just how it feels to bear all the world's burdens, and the value of a 19-hour night's sleep. And you really hate that circle-guy thing on your Zoloft pill packets.

Unipolar Depression
Eating Disorders
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Borderline Personality Disorder
Antisocial Personality Disorder
Which mental disorder do you have?
created with

Yeah I'm stopping there cause I really hate those things... anyways.

So since LJ was out all weekend, I must have a lot to update on...

I stayed home Friday from school, I did go in to do my speech and I guess I did well, cosnidering I rambled from the fever. Then my mom made me go buy hair dye with her and I was getting ready to rip her head off because I was so freezing cold in the store and I felt so sick. Oh well. So Dani has bronchitus so I couldn't see her all weekend which just plain sucks because I miss her. But I don't want to get sick again.

Saturday... I slept a lot all day, getting back my strength, trying to kick the last bit of that fever's ass out of me. Then Saturday night, went out with Steve and saw White Noise. I was scared to death. He was even more scared.. hehe. Wasn't feeling too good so I didn't get ice cream, though I wish I had. But there was a Strawberry Banana smoothie involved- :D. Went home after that... had my fun Saturday night ;)

Sunday... basically Costco and Krogers. Made yummy dinner. Steve came over and we all played Euchre and watched the awards show. Amanda was here too, I loved seeing her again :) SHE BROUGHT ME ICE CREAM!! (which I'm going to go eat right now). Then I was up playing Pool really late when my internet cut out and stayed out... made me very mad.

Today... Steve's gone all day (too bad :( ) So I'm going to see what others are up to.

Okay off to eat ice cream :D

oh yeah. and i got yelled at for having the door closed. it wasn't even closed, it was always at least a foot open.
Whatever... I'm 16. I'm allowed. :)
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