Jul 13, 2005 21:31
I am at camp.
I'm not sure exactly what I'm going to write, but I figured that I should prob. write something, seeing as I have not spoken to most of you in quite some time. I hope everyone is doing well. I look forward to reading all the letters that you're all sending me at camp (hint, hint)!
I have been very, very busy at camp. I think it's a good thing...maybe? My co's have been amazing...in both/all groups of which I'm involved. This session, I eat and sleep with my cabin, girls going into 3rd and 4th grade. The days I spend with Kitana, the little staff kids, except for when I'm going to Shira (singing) activities or helping with the Capital Camps Idol (singing for the cd) chug (choice). I've also been doing Cornerstone stuff. Tonight is also our first rehearsal for the staff musical--looking forward to it, should be fun.
My stomach's been a pain. I've been getting tests done, so hopefully, soon enough...the pain will end. Wish me luck. I should find out more results from tests on Thursday or Friday.
I've been wondering, recently, about where exactly I want to be. I'm not sure if this is the place that I want to be right now, but I'm also not sure if I'd rather be somewhere else (more specifically---home, school, other work). I think I want to be here, but sometimes, I guess it's a bit questionable. I do, I do want to be here...I like it here, I've grown up here.
Which is also a bit of a transition into the next topic...Baby D, my car. My parents don't think that it will last much longer. I've grown up with it, I have a lot of sentimental attachment to it, I don't want it to die. My mom's car is no longer with us, she's currently looking for a new one. I wouldn't get a new car until...well, at earliest, not until I graduate from college. I made my mom promise me that they wouldn't give away Baby D before I came home...at least not until the next time I'm home, even if it's just an off day.
Anyhoo, I'm off. Write to me! Miss you all. Take care.
Love Always,