May 07, 2004 22:32
Note: Didn't pay attention to grammar-ness at all
Usually I don’t write about specific issues with specific people...however, I’m feelin’ a little different about this one, plus-he probably won’t even read this. Okay, so there’s a guy...we’ll call him...George. Here’s my take on the whole thing...I met George almost a year ago (I think), through a mutual friend, who at that moment, I was having a bit of a “romance” with. George and I became friends and we talked online and occasionally on the phone. Not long after, the mutual friend and I decided, mutually (hehe), that it would be better to just be friends. George and I kept talking, getting to know each other and all that, and we even hung out a couple times. So what I perceived to happen next is basically, ya know, we started flirting more and becoming more of a possibility...of a possibility, heh, and yeah...then he stopped talking to me. He avoided me, blocked my sn, and just, well, everything. After a bit, I decided to stop being in denial and forget about our friendship, and, of course, anything else. A while passed and then he im’d me from a new sn, basically saying he was sorry for that whole thing-ness, and he wanted to talk again, chill, and be friends again er something like that. I agreed but told him that the ball was in his court. A tiny bit went by and nothing happened. Then, I went on a field trip with my internship kids to see his school’s show (which he was not in). Of course when I stay after to say hi to friends involved with the show, I happen to run into him as well. He smiled, gave me a hug, all that kind of stuff. It was nice, I guess, but I think I was somewhat in a state of denial again, hoping that the friendship could actually work out-I mean, we had clicked, which was nice (when it was). After that, once again, a bit went by where we didn’t speak. I guess I became a little curious about what would happen if we were to see each other again, and I had something I had been meaning to give him...and I had a question for him, AND his house is two seconds away from my internship, soooo I stopped by on my way home today. I decided that I would plan for it being a two second thing, just go in, say hi, give him the thing, ask him the question, and leave...any change to that schedule would depend on him. It ended up feeling very...awkward. I rang the doorbell, his mom came and invited me in, introductions took place, and she called to George that I was there as we walked to the basement door and she told me I could just go down there. On my way down the stairs, he was on his way we met in the middle. It was a very odd interaction we had, I don’t even think he gave a fake smile in the beginning. I said hi, he said hi, I told him that basically I was just stopping by the drop the thing off, since I had been meaning to for a while, and to ask him the question...which I did and got the answer and all that stuff. He may have said thanks, and I started up the stairs to go to the door, and leave (duh). He came up the stairs as well and followed me to the door, so I decided to attempt some kind of tiny conversation to take up that time, that part was nice I guess. We got to the door, said goodbye (I don’t think there were any smiles there either-on his behalf), and I left...whole thing = very awkward. I got in my car to drive away and I was thinking how he probably shut the door and said to his mom something like...“Why’d you let her in?!?! Never do that again!!!” While I might be able to say that I’m a naive dumbass, I won’t feel bad for not having tried. Oh well.
Take care...George.
I was going to write about other things as well, but unfortunately, I have to go now. Hope everyone is doing well. I shall update more sometime soon, I promise. Take care!!
Love Alwayz,
Ps--I feel lonely :(