I love you. But not in the way that I 'want to spend the rest of my life with you.' It's more of 'I don't know what I would do without you.' You're the epitome of everything I've ever searched for in another person and I don't know what I'm going to do when you're not there to make everything okay anymore. Who am I going to go to when I need someone to make me feel okay about the fact that I'm going to miss you more than anyone I've ever missed before? Who's going to make the fact that I just can't call you to tell you 'good-night' okay? I've never been this scared of losing someone.
(Girl)-Can I ask you a question?
(Haze)-Didn’t give me a choice there did you?
(Girl)-Haha No really can I?
(Haze)-Yeah sure go ahead.
(Girl)-What is more important to you, my life or yours?
(Haze)- (Sigh)… you want me to be honest?
(Haze)-My life.
(Girl)-How could you say that I thought you loved me!!??
(Haze)-I do.
(Girl)- NO YOU DON’T!!!!! If you loved me you would have said my life! I’m leaving you Haze!!! We’re through!
(Girl leaves and I am left alone in the rain starring at the window)
(Haze)-……………………………………………….You are my life