May 15, 2006 09:08
i am so glad the rain in finally stopping! now i can use my shower, my bathroom, my cellar isnt flooded and my street doesnt resemble a river! i do think 1 more shower is required away from my house. ill leave it at that ;)
it was sad to move out of school on fri. i felt so sad watching jen leave. by the time i was leaving, it was like i just wanted to go, but it was still so sad hugging gurpreet goodbye. i'll miss her, even tho at times i wanted to strangle her.
i still have a bunch of unpacking to do. i have to clean my room completely. i have to finish unpacking my living room, prolly after i clean my room, so i can make space for everything. then i have to clean all my shit in the bar, because that is a disaster too. today eric and i are going out to do some errands, and then i;ll polly come back and unpack the stuff in the bar, bc thats the least amount of work. grrr. only to pack it all up again in a few months.
my cousins girlfriend is having a baby this fall. i met her for the 2nd time the other day and she is so cute. she;s just very friendly and shes so tiny, shes already showing. idk- i thought she was just so cute and so nice. im glad hes with her, and not some bitchy, unfriendly person, like my other cousin.