Oct 23, 2006 06:46
Well its me once more. Im finally back to work. Today is actually my first day back and my first day being able to drive. For those of you who dont know i had knee surgery on the 3rd. I had a torn acl, cartlidge and meniscus as well as some other problems going on in there haha! Im not back to normal yet, actually far from it. Ive got physical therapy 3x/wk for 6 wks its going good though. I just get discouraged because i want to be able to do everything that i could do before NOW. I dont want to have to wait, but i have too it sucks....
For the last 3 wks all ive done is sit at home. I finally went out Friday night. I didnt get to do a lot of standing but i had fun! I drank Jack and Coke mmmm mmmm mmmm! Yummy in my tumbly. Hahah but anywho.
I talked to someone Saturday that i swore to myself i wouldnt call again. I dont know why i called him, i was just scrolling through my pb and saw his name and wam my fingers hit talk. He answered WOW! i told him i might be coming that way this weekend. He sd well u need to come and visit...WTF...he is saying this to me???? i was shocked i didnt know what to say or anything.....I was just like yea maybe we'll see!!!!I was so shocked. He makes my heart flutter and my mind go crazy, is it wrong to want to be HAPPY?! I dont know but it feels that way right now!!!!
I might be going out on a date tonight, or atleast hanging out. Im not sure yet, what we are going to do if anything. I can only hope something fun! I want to go to the movies or something i dont know what though. So ill have to see what he's doing and what hes up for. I CANT WAIT> he's very sweet and cute and wow!!! but the thing is, the man i mentioned above may make it hard for me!!!! im trying really really really hard to get over him, but its hard. I remember crying myself to sleep many many night for weeks and weeks, thinking about him all the time. Songs that came on, friends, when i woke up, when i went to sleep he was there, he was everywhere i didnt want him to be. But he was there, in my dreams everywhere. How do u let that go????
Well im going to go for now, Ive only got an hour left in here before i have to go back to the other shop and work. Ive been up since 5am!!!!! Im working 530-8 here and then 8-5 at the other shop. The only days that i get to cut short are mondays,wed, thurs and thats only because i have physical therapy at 4. But any way it felt good getting some of that out! I will update later or when i can.
Love me cuz i fucking rock!!!!