Jun 26, 2004 15:54
Hey guys
So the past 3 days have been the worst days I have ever experienced. Thrusday morning I wake up with a pain in my legs and I feel fainty. But I go to school to get my exams. Sheri drives me home and when I get there its around 11. I go to slep and wake up at around 3:30. At 3:30 im feeling dizzy and hot so I took my temperature. My brother read what it says and it was at 104. I went back to sleep and that day all I had to eat was 2 pieces of bread. No breakfast, lunch, or dinner. The next day (friday) I wake up at 4:30..well my mom kinda wakes me up because she felt my forehead to see how hot I was and she said I was burning and my cheeks were read. So then I went to the bathroom and I GOT MY PERIOD. So that morning I not only had a fever but my period as well. So whatever I slept the whole day and ate nothing again but a plum. I tried to go to sleep but I kept getting hot flashes, seriously the only place I could be for more than 2 min wihout the room or whatever I was laying on getting hot but the bathtub. But I couldnt sleep there so I took some ASA and finally went to bed. This morning I wake up with a really bad pain in my left lower somach but it wasnt menstrual cramps adn it hurt everytime i walked or caughed. OH BY THE WAY MY THROAT WAS KILLING TOO. So while the whole family was supposed to go visit my brother's university my dad and I stayed home and we went to the hospital. Jesse Horvath's dad was the doctor there. So I had my first blood test and everything. It turns out i have strept throat!! AAAAND I have to go back to the hospital on Monday for an ultrasound of my pelvis!!!! They gave me penisiline or something for my stempt and I have to take it for 10 days. I have never gone through more pain in my life. Oh and I still ahve a fever and my period. Guys I hope that NOBODY ever has to go through this lol.