Well, it has been a long day, and my experiments are not going well and are being very frustrating. Arrggghhh. I just cannot get the images I need. On a positive not though, my work computer has been repaired. I am not sure i can claim the money back so it is a bit of an annoying $190 I had to spend. But At least I have a computer at work again
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which ever path one chooses and doesn't end up a total horses-ass is the 'right way' (or so I always thought)
sadly, most of the people I know here in Tn do seem to have serious disorders.. since.. most of them lack empathy to any great degree and seem befuddled by any emotion shown (I was simply raised not to have or show any)
however, I can't say that I know how someone else feels or how they interpet various sensory data..
I can't say how romantic love effects someone else.. only how it effects me.
I can't say how any emotion effects someone else.. only how they effect me.
such things are built up by their own network of past experiences
most, would flinch at reaching into boiling oil to grab something bare-handed.. me.. I don't give it a second thought
most, would shy away from being doused in near molten glass.. and they would be right to do so.. that crap hurts.. alot (I know from being doused in near molten glass)
but that doesn't make us shallow.. as socalsox stated.. we are simply creatures of learning. We socialize with others similar to ourselves simply because it gives us an extra chance of learning and not to feel like an outcast.
I'm not sure where racism stems..
I think it is inherent to human nature to distrust anything not similar to ourselves as a form of protection. Some simply take that a step further and include anything they do not understand as also being evil, and then attack anything they do not understand or is different.
I too was raised to be narrow-minded, bigoted, racist, sexist.. and whole bunch more " -ist's ". in youthful rebellious zeal though.. I tossed most of the garbage aside. I reserve my blind hate for Lichtenstein and France now(but only because France seems to hate us if France would stop hating us.. then I wouldn't hate France, however.. I will always hate Lichtenstein).
it has more companies than it does citizens due to its tax harboring nature..
it has the same calling code as my area code.. and.. I hate my area..so.. naturally I must hate the area code (423)
to top it all off..
I saw this!!
Liechtenstein Successfully Tests Teeny Tiny Nuclear Bomb
(I'm not sure if embedding works.. but.. if it doesn't.. my bad)
I feel we often socialise with others similar to ourselves not because it gives us a chance of learning but precisely because humans seem to need the reassurance of a group setting. Very few individuals are brave enough to step outside of what is considered "normal" and even then it is with trepidation and usually because we have found other like-minded individuals who validate our own feelings and opinions. Moving away from our usual sphere of influence to a new one is where the learning process comes into play but a lot of people do not make that move, preferring to remain in the relative safety of what they already know.
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