Jul 29, 2006 14:04
I woke up in a pretty shitty mood and wasn't entirely sure why. I promptly found out that the reason for said bad mood was probably the fact that I was about to find out that my car had been towed. And then I would realize that the impound lot is closedon Saturday afternoons, which means that I have to automatically pay at least $20 more than expected. It'll probably come out to around $250 or $300 by the timeI can get the damn thing out. Also, the fan in myroom is broken and I don't have AC. This would be fine, because I have another fully functional fan. Where is this fan, you may ask? In the trunk of my impounded car. Also, upon conservatively calculating what size paycheck I SHOULD have recieved yesterday, it's come to my attention that I got shorted by $100, at the very least. Naturally, I'm really stoked about this. Fuck the NYPD and Administaff.