Aug 16, 2005 17:18
I feel alot better now. I went to the mall the other day with Sam, Chelsea, Ryan, and Kate. poor Heather coudln't come. I was really bummed but then Yesterday I went to Emerald, Best Buy, and Borderes with Allie and bought two books.... since I'm now obsessed with reading. TTYL and the Au Pairs. They both look cute I'm reading TTYL now. Anyways.
After that I went to Sam's empty Cumberland house and we went to Wedding Crashers with Ryan and KAte.... I got in.. I'm 16... yay! It was soo funny. Sam and me decided yea we are definitly straight cuz whenever there was boob we were like um... ewwww. It was such a good movie though.
After that we went to Empire and ate and then went to Chelsea's and watched like haflt he Lazytown movie since me and Chelse are now fully obsessed with the childrens show that motivates kids to get up and move. Sporticus is maaaaad hot...
Then we went downstairs after we fought with Derek and looked at pictures. We danced and then had to go upstairs til Rita came home. We had fun and then Allie came so I left. Then Sam drove by us on the highway.
Today I went to Subway and say Tiffany Mailhot working... ew. Mr. Guev was there too. And Sam and her Dad came in lol.
Then we went to URI where I got a tee-shirt for if I ever go to any games or events there. Then Allie gave me her old URI Lanyard. Then we went to Wrights Dairy where I spoke to the hiring woman and I get to go there on tuesday to see what its like and I'm definitly gonna work there.
It's 2 weekdays til like 7. and Saturday 7-1 and then sunday. Such good hours. Awsome! and a total cutie was getting trained today... redhead lol. Hott
O yea I watched the second half of the Lazy town movie today and now I think I'm gonna play those games online before I go to Chelsea's.
Sleeping over tonight with Sama nd dcorating the awsome Wicked Van then tomorrow going to see it just the 3 of us! AWSOME!
Oh and....