(no subject)

Aug 01, 2006 04:18


So, I took the 1:22 out of East Hampton going west
Changed at Babylon
And arrived at Amityville at 3:30.

On top of a full day of work- and I do mean full.

A typical day at camp is the following:

5:30. Wake up. Kids too loud to go back to sleep.
6.30. Throw alarm clock at wall.
7.00. Crawl out of bed.
7.01. Wake Lilly up.
7.09. Wake Lilly up again.
7.15. Get dressed. Or not, depending on how tired I am.
7.30. Move out the troops.
7.50. Flag ceremony. Try to remeber the words to the pledge and not yawn.
8.00. Food. Usually cold and syrupy.
9.00. First block. Sports. Hot, running, spastic small children.
10.45 Second block. Boating. 1 mile to the creek. Slow Children Crossing signs needed.
12.30 More food. Usually cold and disgusting.
1.30. Rest Hour. Thank GOD in Heaven.
2.30. Third Block. Arts and Crafts. Elmers glue does not come out of hair.
4.15. Fourth Block. Swimming in the bay! Girls develop mysterious contagious stomach aches.
5.00. Showers- 23 girls, 2 showers, 40 minutes.
5.50. More Flag ceremony. Try to remember the tune to Taps. Yawn a lot.
7.00. All Camp! Teach "Emotion Dances" with Lilly and Jitterbug around the PT Cruiser.
9.00. Do some tick checks. Like, 29 of them. Funny- thought we only had 23 campers.
9.30. Put the kids to bed.
9.35. Have staff meeting and drink soda.
9.36. Yell at kids to be quiet.
9.41. Physically place girls in their respective beds and confiscate flashlights.
9.51. Threaten death if silence is not achieved in six seconds.
10.16 Take nine girls to the nurse because their mysterious tummyaches have returned.
10.45 sing repeat-after-me songs on the way back to the unit.
11.00 Take a shower. Maybe.
11.15 Attempt to finish staff meeting.
11.30 Fall asleep on piece of cake from camper Briege's birthday.
12.01 Wake up with frosting in my hair.
12.03 Wash hair.
12.22 Go to bed.
2.00. Sing "Dona Dona" to homesick kids. Die.

5:30. Wake up. Kids too loud to go back to sleep.

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