the first week of summer!

Jun 05, 2005 16:28

hey the first week of summer was kinda bumpy! i just cant believe its only been one week since school let out! it feels like a month.

bad stuff: I got in a fight with my grandma. b/c i woke up with a major attitude problem but i always do. i just have an attitude problem. then the whole thing with me, brittany , and courtney. I just wish all this fighting between all of us was over. i miss our friendship it was funny. it was fun at times.

*~good stuff~* i saw justin on tuesday. god i love that kid. i dont think he realizes how much thou. I went to jessica branums on tuesday and thats how i saw justin. well i went over there in my swimming suit b/c we were going to tan. well i was to busy fighting to get my top back. then jessica had to go to the groceries store so me and justin went to mcdonalds. I hate when guys see me eat. I feel like a pig. so everytime i would see him looking at me when i would try to eat something i was like STOP!!! but then i was looking at his toungue ring everytime he opened his mouth. god i love makeing out with him. but well we were going back to jessicas when justin thought he would pants me. he did. i fell to the ground automacticaly. HE started to laugh and he told me that i have an white ass. i was like duh. my ass is always covered unless i'm with you b/c you seem to like to pants me. well i got him back big time. I didnt know that i had a hold of his boxers and well when i went to pull down his pants his boxers came with. now thats a white ass. me and jessica started to laugh and we couldnt stop then we settled down and we were talking justin was lying down so I went over and i lyed on his stomch well his tummy was hurting so i told him to lye on his tummy and i would rub his back he fell asleep in my lap. i lyed him down and when he needed to wake up i kissed him to wake him up. it was so sweet. I really do love him. I wish i could see him to day. maybe tomarrow. i'll clean my room to day. so i can go to staceys.

wow i stink. oh its just my breath, I havnet burshed my teeth yet . Well my wisdom teeth are coming in and they hurt like a bitch. they had me in my bed all day on wednesday. so yeah well i g2g justin got his truck fixed yay. well ig2g I love you brittany! you need to call me about six flags. well I love you too. courtney and Justin.
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