ive been denied...............grandma take me home.........

Mar 05, 2004 23:45

okay so im well overdue for an update. this weekend has been amazing. its only friday and it has already been nearly perfect!
thursday after school sam came over for a while. then we went to find the abandoned barn by her house and after walking through the corn field (lots and lots and lots of puddles in it) we go through a wooded area (with even deeper puddles) and it ends up that it was really a house. so we went inside and it was really cool, so creepy but really awesome... not guna go into more details right now but you can tell that who ever used to live there left in a hurry. it was cool
then we went to sams house threw our pants and chucks in the dryer. hung out a bit more, she had to babysit and i went home for a while. (only time since we got out of school that we have spent apart) then i hung out with thomas and cindy for a short bit. then came back to sams house. we went to walmart and had lots of fun running around going jingle jingle mrrow! then went to the gas station and saw creepy guys and got some amp, which is a mountain dew energy drink. then we went back to sams home.
we hung out for a bit and dan asks us to meet him at the park. so we went to the park and ran around a whole lot (it was 1 in the morning and i had been given specific instructions not to drive anywhere) dan, his cousin todd, and dustin were there. i think we made them slightly angry when we kept running around and would hardly talk to them, but i think its funny. and they were scary and kept surrounding us and it made me think they were guna rape us. then they ended up leaving without telling us when we were sitting in the slide. then we went home. on the way home there was a police car that scared the shit out of us. omg i was like flipping out. he had his lights on and i sooo thought he was guna pull me over, but he just went right past us. it about gave us both a heart attack though. then we went to sleep sorta soonish after that and we both felt sick like whoa cuz we decided it isnt good to drink amp on an empty stomach.
we got up this morning around a quarter til nine. talked, got showered and left in a hurry because we were guna be late to bringing the boys (jefferey and stanford) lunch. we called the school to see what we had to do to go see them and bring them lunch and the lying bitch told us we werent allowed to even though we know for a fact that it is allowed. we got really angry at her and since it was like 11ish we decided it was time to start thrifting. we went to value village and that place was really cool. we got 3 shirts there for only $2.19! rawr! only bad thing about the place is there was a "deaf" guy there and he was handing out thingys and being ab um trying to get money and molesting me. rawr! he was showing me this paper thing and when he did he touched my boob, so i stepped back farther so he wouldnt be touching me. then he stepped closer and moved his hand in towards me and started touching me more. it was ewy and evil and made me angry! i should have bit him... well then we went to good will and then another good will and we got 4 shirts at that one. it cost more though, but oh well. they are fun. then we went to taco bell since we both felt sick again and hadnt ate in a long time. we each had a taco and used nearly every cent of money that we had. i ended the day with 83 cents left... out of a lot.. but much was spent on gas.
well yeah, then we decided to go to zionsville. i felt really really bad that we didnt bring them lunch since they were expecting us even though there was nothing we could do about it since they wouldnt left us. but school wasnt quite out yet so we went to the park. sat in the car most of the time with windows down and music up. we played the fork game. then we played on the play ground. when we were on the teeter totter i saw some boys and was like hey! they look like teenagers, school must be out! then i was like hey, they are boys about our ageish and it looks like they have really tight pants on! immediately after that i was like wow, it makes me think of stans band.. it really looks like them. so we go closer to check it out and realize its jeff wallein and ryan. so of course i got excited and started running towards them and pointed and was like eeeeeeeeeee i know you guys! so we talked a few minutes and stuff and then they left and so did sam and i. i was EXTREMELY amused though that we saw them there. then we went and got jeff (ulander) and went to stans house. im sure he was surprised when he got off the bus to see us sitting in my car by his drive way. we hung out in my car a while and then went to jeffs place. hung out some more and then took stan home. it was really fun. i left to go home as a very happy girl. hehe. we went to sams to take care of dogs since we were bad earlier and left without taking care of them this morning. then we went to my house for pizza. jason came over for a bit and it was good fun hanging out with him and sam. then after he left we talked my mom into letting me spend the night here again and we waited for my sister and her fiance to get there cuz i hadnt seen them in a long time and woulda got yelled at if i left before they got there. so we talked to them for a bit and then went to sams house and cleaned some and here i am updating you on my wonderful weekend.
plans for tomorrow is to meet up with jason around noonish and we are guna go back to the abandoned house. im guna go home around 3ish. stay at home for a while and then go over to stans around 5 or 6ish i think? im excited! i think he may be making me dinner tomorrow :) its soo sweet. hehe. and then i guess we'll just hang out for a bit. sounds like loads of fun and then sunday is the concert! before the concert i think some people are coming over and i think sam and i are guna do jasons make up and paint his nails and make him goth looking and it will be fun!
blah, right now i am still pretty good from my wonderful day and the excitement to look forward to of the rest of the weekend but erg.. i wish i could forget things. i hate remembering. i know some stuff i need to remember cuz well i just do but i wish i didnt have to. i wish i didnt have thoughts of the past hanging over me. plus at the moment im still really angry and annoyed with myself for what happened as we left my house. only sam will know what im talking about so dont bother trying to figure it out. rawr! im so pissed.
theres stupid annoying snoring. i know what sam was talking about now the other day on one of her posts when she talked about hearing snoring. i tried drowning it out with music but then it just got louder, kinda odd... oh well, nothing out of the normal for me, or sam either for that matter.
i think thats about it cuz i dont feel like thinking any harder to see if i forgot any thing. i cant remember shit right now. cept that im angry cuz the stupid assholes at X103 wouldnt give us any fucking metallica tickets! RAWR!
im going now. sorry its so long. i hope you all are having a good weekend.
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