Feb 26, 2004 15:41
i dont like it lately when people ask me how i am... i have way to huge of mood swings in short periods of time, it makes it too hard to determine how i am. there are times like 3rd period and stuff talking to sam, when im just over flowing with joy and flipping out, getting so excited for friday to come.. but then there are other times like 7th period, when i actually started crying during class. so dont ask me how im doing because i just dont know.
rawr this whole chris thing still upsets me. i need to talk to him. i want to write him a letter and either go visit him and give it to him before i leave, or give it to someone to give to him when they visit. i really do wuna go visit him, but i dont wuna go by myself so im thinking i will see if i can find anyone else that would want to go with me. erg i duno..
not too much homework today. im glad that today things are finally beginning to calm down. not quite as stressing as the rest of the week was. i have math review to do, and a sorta big vocab test to study for and if i feel determined then i will do my chem homework today that i was supposed to do yesterday. then the rest of my time will be spent cleaning my room, taking a nice long bath, and just relaxing. feel free to call me later and we can talk, especially if your name is stan :)
love you all