Aug 24, 2005 20:48
Well....this update is especially 4 courts cos i feel she doesn't know how much i love her and respect her.
I just wanna say that you're the best friend a person could ever ask for everyday i love to know that you're alive and that we're still friends.
Everytime u laugh i laugh everytime u cry i cry everytime ur going crazy cos uve had sugar i go crazy as if i've had sugar too.
Ur smile makes me feel loved and wanted in this world when i'm being stupid and saying things that arn't true you're there to put me in my place and tell me to grow up and stop acting so stupid you don't feel sorry for me you put me in my place which makes me feel a whole lot better in the end.
I love talking to you wether it's on msn or on the phone or actually seeing you in person i just love talking to you,you brighten my day.
I know this may sound really weird and odd but i feel that i dnt treat u the way i should often enough and i thought that i would take this opportunity to do a journal update to let you know how much i appreciate you.
If i didn't know you i wouldnt be as happy as i am today just knowing that we have a good friendship even though we live in different cities makes me happy and glad that i have you.
You invite me into your home to stay over when you've never met me before in your whole life and you put up with me running a muck and making a bigger mess of your room.
I would go insane if someone came to my house and did that except if it was you it would be fun:P I don't have much stuff to make a mess with anyway lol so it's all cool.
I enjoy seeing you and spending time with you.
SOmetimes i don't know what to sya to you cos i have my days when i feel that you're way too cool to be talking to someone like me but on other days i absolutley adore you and think to myself "you're not uncool and she doesn't think your uncool otherwise she wouldn't be talking to you" and sometimes when you're with your friends i feel left out and as if i should not talk to you anymore because you have them and you can see them when you want and you can't see me when you want. But i would NEVER stop talking to you,someone could pay me a million dollars and i still wouldnt end our friendship even tho i could do alot with a million dollars i would still say no just to keep the friendship and the special bond that we have,i feel that i can tell you anything and that i can really trust you it's as if you're my sister i trust u with my life and i trust you 2 look out 4 me n tell me when i'm doin something worng or acting stupid.
I'm so glad i have you courts if i didnt have you in my life i dunno what kind of person i would be today without your kindness,controlness u have over me:P and the way u speak ur mind n tell me wen 2 grow up if i didnt have you then i would have no best friends and wouldn't know the meaning of trust.
I love you soo much and i hope our friendship never ends cos i need you in my life you're one of the most awesome ppl in my life and you're gorgeous don't change who u r for anyone and remember that through thick and thin i am ALWAYS and i mean ALWAYS here for you and you can tell me anything,I know i'm a bitch to you sometimes but deep down i'm glad i have you and i respect you and look up to you.BR>
I Love You *Hugs*