Apr 18, 2005 16:06
Well im still at courts house and we just got back from shopping lol it was funny.
Well we went n picked up Daniel first then we went shopping cos we were bored and then i brought hillary Duffs Single "Someone's watching over me"then we went into Big W and we each brought a bouncy ball Mine was blue with rubber psikes and courts was purple with rubber spikes and daniels was yellow with purple spikes,they're soooooo cool:D:D
Oh no she's got out the Photo Albums lol one of them has my school pict in it!!SCARY!!!!!
Well they're watching "Family Guy" on DvD.
Graham Just rang me n he's finished his 1st day of work at his new job.
I wanan go see him but courts doenst have enough petrol to go and i used all my money so i cnt pay her 4 petrol:( Dammit and he only lives 5 mins away too!!
O well that's my bad luck:(:(
Anyway,Courts has Basketball tonight so i'm going to that with her and i'm gonna watch her play so it should be good although basketball is always boring lol.
I'm scared about dinner cos we're having Thai Chicken n i dnt eat Thai chicken but i have 2 eat it cos i'll feel bad if i say i dnt want any they may get offended argh i dunno!!!!!
Well i still dunno what to say i wanna see graham so much it's weird.
I'm going now I'll Update later Mayb If i can b bothered.
Feel free to comment if you want to.
Daniels throwing a Teddy Bear At me n i'm in a bad mood 2!!