Jan 19, 2007 11:46
I'm STD-free!!
Well, I think I am anyway.
I had a pap on Jan 8, during which I also got tested for HIV. And let me tell you, boy, I was scared. I'm pretty careful about sex most of the time, but the few exceptions have really freaked me out. For example, I contracted HPV from one partner, but when tested later (possibly for a different strain of HPV), the results said I was negative. I figured my body healed on its own.
But the body doesn't heal from HIV, and there was one giant question mark partner back in October of 2005. I should have been tested sooner (a lot sooner) but 2006 wasn't a very slutty year for me. NOT a good excuse for not getting tested. BUT I got tested.
I was scared to call in for the results because I was scared my life would change forever as a result (although I guess it would have been changed anyway). The results:
(Drumroll, please)
Negative! On everything! Except Herpes simplex I, which is mouth herpes, which I've had since I was a baby, so I'm over it.
Negative, negative, negative, said the lady on the phone. EXCEPT. "And it looks like you have an abnormal pap."
Ack! Abnormal! I feel like I just took a test, and that I almost got 100% until that last question. Now, I've still got a passing grade, but I think I have to retake the exam. Hmm. I asked the lady if my abnormal pap could be related to the HPV I contracted in 2004, and she said possibly yes. Ack!
Fingers crossed it's treatable, and non-cancerous, and that I'm going to be okay.
BUT! HIV-free! Yay! No herpagonasyphilaids for me! Well, except for the herpa-part, but I knew about that one. Canker sore, anyone? JK. I haven't had a canker sore since Nolan lived in Oregon. And we all know he's one giant canker sore. Zing!