Apr 16, 2009 08:38
So we finally now own a PS2 (yes, I know). Which means that as soon as I get some homework done, I get to play Kingdom Hearts II. Go me! I'm also looking at getting Okami, Katamari Damancy and Persona 4. Plus Mik already has Prince of Persia, Spiderman, God of War, and uh, some other stuff. What are other good (or just plain fun) games we should get?
Also, just wanted to post this here: I'm over on LibraryThing (username ninjapenguin), which is a book cataloging and social site for book lovers. The Science Fiction boards on there are a good way to kill about twenty hours just reading a couple of threads because those posters are opinionated out the wazoo and couldn't shut up if you duct taped their mouths shut. (Meanwhile, the Fantasy group is a great place to go for recs, but has little discussion.) Anyway, a thread was up for trying to compile a list of 100 books to recommend to newbies in the genre, and there was rather a battle going on between one in particular poster and several others who disagreed about the worthiness of Golden Age scifi. Someone told said person that judging the quality of a book is a subjective exercise, therefore it's not surprising there was disagreement, whereupon he replied that it was totally objective. In the midst of all the ranting and snide comments and hand waving justifiedsinner gave me my laugh-out-loud moment of the day:
If judging a book is objective what units are we using to measure it? Is this unit fundamental or derived? For example: if the unit of fictional worth is 1 nabokov is this coulombs per hertz per metre squared or perhaps Fieldings per Tolstoy?
Okay, carry on.