May 02, 2005 11:49
So, apparently yesterday was National Video Games Are Evil Day, and I didn't
know about it. First on Intervention there was a guy addicted to gaming (he
had no job, no social life, only one friend, he'd ignore everybody else to
game, he talked to the game instead of to people, and he'd threatened
suicide), and then on L&O:SVU there was a case about a group of teens who
decided to re-enact a scene from a computer game and run down a hooker then
kick her to death. Whee. (Not.) Although I did get to see a good bit of
Munch, so that made up for it.
And then Cold Case did a Rocky Horror themed show! And it didn't feature
fans as creepy weird loser criminals, but as normal people who wanted to
have fun! And all of the flashbacks had bg music from Rocky Horror! And it
made me really really really want to get either the dvd or the soundtrack or
Also this weekend: bathroom renovations. Painted the tub. Yuck. Nasty,
nasty fumes. Take my advice and don't try this at home. Also bought new
tile for the floor--faux slate vinyl tiles--and a cabinet for towels and
stuff. And a vase. Shut up, decorations count. There shall be a real
bathroom and not a construction zone soon.
Still need to get a Bree icon. Ah Bree, how lovely as always. How clueless
of what all the men in her life are up to. And while I feel like I ought to
feel bad for Lynette (because I'm not sure I'd like it if my husband was
working with his ex and didn't tell me), I agree with what Tom said. She
just seems so desperately unhappy with her life that she's trying to drive
everyone else to unhappiness *and* she's sabotaging every attempt at making
her happier. (She doesn't seem to have any "playdates" that last longer than
once, she's messed up every new friendship she's tried to start, she's
disliked by all the other moms at school, she first tried to sabotage and
then fired their nanny and never got another one. The woman does not seem
to know how to build friendships. She's all about compete, attack, win,
win, win, and how she ever ended up with laid back, good natured Tom is a
mystery to me. I want a Tom in my life, dammit.) And ha! Mary Alice and
Creepy Paul are babynappers! I knew it!
desperate housewives,