Apr 06, 2009 21:17
So Dan has been playing Vice City a lot, and it's totally got me into an old school hip-hop groove right now. With the help of Pandora I'm totally getting awesome music all the time. I love that website. If you haven't been there, you need to go.
I've decided I'm going to write a book. I stumbledupon this really touching story about this Indian girl who faked her death to marry the one she truly loves. I don't expect anything to get published but I've always wanted to try my hand at writing. Plus, I also stumbledupon this awesome website that lets you print your own books. Considering all of the options, it's not that expensive. You can make almost as many as you want, which is cool. It's a great tool for things like a wedding album or a recipe book. They also have just regular novel book styles as well. I would want to write the book and once I was happy with it, print it just for me to read. We'll see.
Another amazing website I've stumbledupon is this site that has all these amazing and inspirational speeched given by various people. So far I haven't had the time to watch too many but I did watch this short one about this woman with two prostetic legs and how instead of just using her legs for legs, she has modeled with them and walked runways on handwarves wooden legs. Amazing. Truly beautiful and inspiring.
I love stumbleupon.
I love Pandora.
I love Burb.