Oct 23, 2004 13:53
|| BASICS* ||
1. name:// Cecilia
2. nicknames:// Ceci <= Main one... Cec, Ceci, Cecil, Species <= all through my life man Krisen Melissa and Lauren... man do i miss Kristen
3. SN:// If your reading this I'm pretty sure you already know my s/n
4. sex:// Female
5. birthday:// o3.o2
6. height:// 5ish maybe 5'1"
7. hair color:// naturally... relally dark brown but not quite black... at the moment dark brown with light brow and red highlights
8. is your hair long or short:// Pretty long... definatley not short
9. eye color:// brown... kinda dark
10. location now:// computer
11. siblings:// Lauren! boy is she the best sister ever man I lova lova lova her!
12. parents married/divorced://married
13. who are your closest friends:// **Melissa** <= definatley the closest... Then Mykie Bri Tara and Lindsey and Nora Caitlin and Ellis
14. who makes you laugh the most?:// the most definatley when Im with Melissa the little midgets we love and then when scotts there
15. do you have a job:// Kind of I just dont have a lot of time to work it like once a week if im lucky haha! Im getting my friday nights back as soon as I talk to Joseph! yes!
16. what are you scared of:// not being accepted by the poms... or the Mafia... i.e I hate Ben right know be he doesn't love me anymore! :(
17. who's your role model:// definatley my sister but umm in ways not my sister at all... other one... Ellis!
18. most interesting thing you've done this summer:// Babysit with Melissa and then all that gymnastics... man I fucking miss it
19. what store do you shop at the most:// hmm I dont know... Target and then the mall
20. have you ever done any drugs:// does alcohol count? if so yes but no not like weed or stuff
21. do you collect anything:// garbage! lol no I dont
22. are you a ditz:// I can be
23. thing in your room:// faqvorite thing in my room... Mykies birthday present that i always sleep with and
24. movies of all time:// idk but man Menan Girls was to funny last night
25. hangout:// i dont ever hang out Im a loser... lol Lindseys backyard with the fire slash her house
26. where do you see yourself in 10 years:// just out of college or s in my last year in some sort of relatioship... i wanna get married when im like 28-32 yeah... yeah
27. if you could live anywhere:// I kinda like where i live but Carri's house i would love to live there its awesome except its in boofu
28. dream house:// Something like Carri's on a lake
29. how many kids do you want:// idk I think alot well like at least 2 but I think more like max 6
30. girl's names:// Parker <= I know its weird but its pretty... something unique but not weird... Rose...Riley...
31. boy's names:// no idea
|| HAVE U EVER* ||
32. been in love?:// i dont think so
33. lied?:// definatley
34. cheated on a test?:// just the other day =}
35. cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend?:// no
36. tied your shoes together?:// why the fuck would i do that?
37. eaten something with a lot of fat?:// yeah
38. worst feeling in the world:// ..i dont know..
39. best feeling in the world:// ???
40. can you define love?:// can't define it never had love
41. do you get along with your parents:// most of the time except when my mom has gay mood swings your grounded bc you didnt make your bed moods
42. are you ticklish:// ...most definatley
43. 1st thing you notice about the opposite sex:// their smile and there eyes... and when im hyper there ears
44. Perfect "dream" date:// Going to mine or his house and hanging out... watching a movie then going to a party where you can have mored fun bc its not just you and talking and saying goodbyes outside by the car and then it starts to rain
45. who is your best friend of the opposite sex:// It was Jake and hes still friggin awesome but I don't see him that much andymore.... umm the eigth graders that sit behiind me in math... thats sad!0
46. what do you look for in the opposite sex:// someone who isnt serious has a sense of humor is sarcastic can be sweet but isnt so nice as to where its just like weird... someone clean...
47. what does the opposite sex not know about you:// idk
48. what do you wear to bed:// noramlly pj pants/sweatpants and a beater or my really old big eeyore t-shirt from liek 4th grade
49. what's your bed time:// ummm school days liek 11 or so if Im tired 930 weekends... whenever
50. do you wish on stars:// yeah
51. is there a TV in your room:// nore
52. what's the last thing you do before you fall asleep:// arrange my stuffed andimales pillows and mykies birthday present then set the alwarm on my phone if it s a school night and think until I fall asleep... or sometime... its homework! lol
53. how many schools have you been to:// Lowrie Abbott and Larkin 3! crazy i've lived in one house since I was two thats 12 years so far and Im not moving I like my house! unless I went to live in Lindsey or Carri's house beacuse there cool but really I wanna live here forever ...I think
54. what is your curfew:// umm depends who I'm with umm probably like idk 1230 or 1 maybe later if Im with my sister
|| RANDOM* ||
55. if you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?:// the fact that I think no one likes me and Im always afraid I won't fit in
56. have you ever tried to kill yourself:// nope
57. do you know anyone who SERIOUSLY wanted to kill themselves?:// yeah
58. who do you really hate?:// umm no one
59. what are you addicted to?:// nothing... actually DDR!
60. do you like jewelry?:// rings... I like them
61. do you wear a watch?:// nope
62. did/do you have braces?:// yeah
63. do you believe in God?:// yeah
64. do you believe in love at first sight?:// not really... like at first sight maybe but not really