Jun 22, 2004 21:07
Hey Hey!
Its been a while... This weeked was the recital! DAMN was that fun! Saturday we had a pom car wash! haha that was so fuckin fun:) when there was like no cars to wash me elizabeth molly and megan we doin sidelines on the sidewalk with hot pink poms while mel made up words about commin to our car wash to toxic and then we did our car wash dance:O so fun! That night was funny as hell because me and ellie thought we had like 3 dances till tap and Jasenia came running in the dressing room and was like were on in like 30 seconds so we had to run down the slippery hall and up the stairs in our tap shoes and get our briefcase thingys and we made it to our curtain right when the song started! haha! Afterward I went to Molly Browns with Maddy and Mel and Megan and Alassandra and then Collen and the other Mel were there! We ate cake! lol Sunday we had recital again and then the after party at Donna's! Hella fun dood! We were wearing mini skirts and jumping on the trampoline! haha were gay like that! The butt wars! haha Cwrap and touvh! haha good times! Then yesterday was gay... Today was fun me and melissa rode one bikle to wing park and played on this like futuristic playground! haha that was so funn! And then i crased into her and these ppl in there cars we givin us the funniest looks! haha! Well yea Bri and Dev! I miss you man! well yea g2g! mwa!