Oct 05, 2004 08:28
You know, I was debating on this until I read something. I really can't stand when I point out something right to someones face and they STILL don't get that hint. Lyndz, I know I informed you of this last night, but this is gonna happen. I'm taking a fucking break from here. At least until Monday night. Some time to try and get parts of my life situated and not having to deal with most of these bitches. I'm sure you'll do just fine though. Love you. see ya later. I've just made up my mind and I'm telling you when I get back. About only three or four people will be staying on my friends and then I'm making a new name for friends only. I can't stand the way most of you lie. It's ridiculous. Kristan, haha..have no worries ;) but yeah, talk to you guys later.
Fuck all you people who I can't stand. I'll just kick you. See ya.
P.S. when I think of a new name, I'll let a few of you know :D