(no subject)

Mar 18, 2004 10:29

I amuse myself highly quite often. Sometimes I wonder about myself. So yesterday was St. Patrick's Day. I, however, did not go out and get smashed as most people did. I don't drink, therefore I don't get drunk and act stupid. I act stupid without being drunk so I don't think alcohol would help me at all.

Orlando is here and that makes me giddy. I'm excited.

I think I'm going to take Jenny's advice and create myself a wonderland in my backyard. I can go there and escape everything and everyone and be content. I like the idea of having a hideout haha. I feel like a little kid again with a treehouse in the middle of the woods. Well, except for the middle of the woods part considering this is going to be in my backyard and yeah.

I'm hungry for lunch. I'm going to run off and get something. I won't be online again tonight, sorry my lovelies. I'll try to come back soon. I'm online but I'm away so you can leave me messages if you'd like. I like messages.
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