Dec 14, 2003 21:34
carly.... why did you have to tell freddy my business he has the biggest fucking mouth ever, i don;t care if people know, but i haven;t gone to downtime in a really long time so why do they need to know what is going on in my life.
that is one of the reasons why it took me 2 weeks for you to finally get it out of me.
so thanks
stop telling my business, i don't tell yours.....
and why does freddy have to read my lj, does he think i am going to write about him all the time, or does he just like seeing his name in print makes him feel famous, and cool... well hes really not... just let him know that from me. hes beyond a jerk.
i don't want to have to make my journal friends only, i think that is stupid, but i don't see a reason on why freddy needs to check up on my life every now and again....
that was why i posted the talk to me when he is out of your life. because of things like this. i am kind of serious now. sorry. i am not dealing with that crap anymore.