Jul 01, 2005 08:38

::Morgif had stopped singing upon hearing people enter the kitchen. In retrospect, that probably was a mistake, as that meant he had been left behind during the ensuing fire. In the soldiers haste to extinguish the blaze, someone had upturned the table on which Morgif had been laying, sending him sprawling across the kitchen into a pile of wet ash.::
[OOC: Can a sword be sent sprawling? He's got no arms or legs!]

::Looking around the ruins of the room he had begun to think of as home, he sighs again and starts taking mental inventory::

Let's see...abandoned in kitchen. Check. Watching two men nearly molest each other in the kitchen. Check. Seeing the double of one man discover the other two, resulting in drama. Check. Scared a human into never drinking alcohol again. Check. Been called a drunkard by a blind woman. Check. Finding out there are now doubles of many of the castle inhabitants. Check. Finding out I may be a double, myself. Check. Finding someone worth loving, only to send them away. Check. Overhearing several hours worth of bickering from down the hall over who won something or other. Check. Being caught in a blaze. Check. Being tossed around the remains of the kitchen like a piece of detritus. Check.

::After taking inventory of the past day's activities, Morgif comes to one inescapable conclusion, which he shouts out to no one in particular::

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