May 20, 2004 18:17
after the bazillionth time i've said, 'thats it' i'm finally doing it!
i'm actually counting my points everyday, even on the days i don't do so good, i still count them and make myself accountable for what i ate. for those that are like "wtf are points?". its the system used by wieght watchers to track the food you eat.
i've gone to the gym 3 out of the last 4 days!!!! even if i only did 20 minutes on level 1 on the recembent bike one day, i still went!!
i actually feel really proud of myself! and i feel good. even though i havent changed my body yet, i feel better about how i look. since i feel better about taking care of my body, it makes me feel like my body looks better (did that make any sense?).
and on that note, i am off to the gym!