Winter Fun

Dec 12, 2004 10:34

Winter Formal was soooo much fun!!! and everyone looked so purty! When I first saw Ryan there the first words out of my mouth were, 'Holy Shit, He Looks HOTT!!' Lol! He looked SO Fine in a tux and a lot older, all I can say is... WOW...! I hope that I looked Ok, I felt kinda weird in a dress and high-heels and makeup, I hope I looked pretty, I dunno. It was really fun hanging out with Nicole, Andrea, Katy, Tiffany, Ryan, Josh, Colton, and JP though. I saw Jessie there, but she is still mad at me 'coz I never voted for her for sophomore princess so she's not talkin' to me. Oh well, I tired to explain and she won't listen so there's nothing else that I can do.
ANYwho, if you took pictures last night, I want to see them!! I only got 1 pic. on my camera and me and Ryan took pics. I should've taken more though! Well, I hope that all you guys who went had fun and got home safely through the fog! See you all at school! x<3o<3x<3
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